Accessories KA-EA-L-***/***-S

Accessories KA-EA-L-***/***-S
    Part numberM2 1429 B
Accessories for EA-L 120. Surcharge for eyebolt-EA-L, loose, for lateral mounting on a single... more
Matchcode KA-EA-L-***/***-S Article name Zubehör KA-EA-L-***/***-S Part number M2... more
Article nameZubehör KA-EA-L-***/***-S
Part numberM2 1429 B
Product Information... more

Product Information

Brochure EA-L-120_Antriebsbroschuere Actuator brochure for the linear actuator for louvre windows EA-L-120
Brochure Window Automation Brochure Window Automation
Catalogue (web) Smoke & Daily Vent Catalogue (web) Smoke & Daily Vent

User Manuals

Operating manual EA-L-1000-120-02 Operating manual for the linear actuator EA-L-1000-120-02 for louvre windows

Technical Details

Technical details EA-L_GE Examples for mounting for the linear actuator EA-L for bottom and top hung wings and combinations for the linear guiding


Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)